Crammed with Heaven - new blog

Chris Ellis has launched his blog, Crammed with Heaven. I've been really looking forward to this as Chris is a creative, insightful thinker and writer, and conversations I've had with him about the arts have always been enriching and enjoyable.

Crammed with Heaven, quoting Elizabeth Browning's poem, is about seeing, in relation to prayer, spirituality, worship and art, a special passion of Chris's. The next few weeks will be fascinating as he spends some of his sabbatical in Italy 'visiting ancient church buildings, looking at great works of art, soaking in the atmosphere, reading and thinking about art and spirituality and trying to improve my painting skills as I "look by painting"'. It's a tough call isn't it?

Go visit and check out the categories at the top as there's some great stuff there.

Welcome to the blogosphere Chris!


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